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Updated QuiteRSS Packages


Figure 1. QuiteRSS

Made one more quick update to the QuiteRSS packages I posted in the last blog post. The prior packages used a version string of 0.18.12 on Debian, and I've updated these new ones to use 1.18.12. Since a newer version of QuiteRSS exists in the package repo, an apt-get upgrade would automatically bump it to the newer unpatched version, so to prevent this I bumped the forked version number above it. Below are the new download links.


To install the package, first download the one that corresponds to your version of Debian. For example, here is a wget command to download the package for Bookworm.


Then you can use apt-get to install the package:

sudo apt-get install -y ./quiterss_*.deb

If you ever want to uninstall (for example if you want to use the version in the package repo), use apt-get remove:

sudo apt-get uninstall -y quiterss

Patch Files

The patches that have been applied can be downloaded here. They are applied on the .orig.tar.xz QuiteRSS package from Buster.